My Portfolio

My Portfolio

Here is a collection of some of my favourite photos from
over the years. If you wanted to have any of these on your wall at home, there are plenty of options for frames, canvases and more.

UK Birds

The birdlife I've encountered within the United Kingdom

UK Lepidoptera

The butterflies and moths from around the United Kingdom

UK Odonata

The dragonflies and damselflies encountered across the United Kingdom
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Costa Rica Wildlife

Images from a 3-week personal tour in one of the most wildlife-rich places on earth

Morocco Wildlife

Images from 10-day Naturetrek tours to the Atlas Mountains and Southern Morocco

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Romania Wildlife

Images from a 10-day Naturetrek tour to the Carpathian Mountains and the Danube Delta
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The Gambia Wildlife

Images from leading Naturetrek tours to Mandina Lodges and a personal trip upriver
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Ethiopia Wildlife

Images from leading Naturetrek tours

"Chris was very knowledgable about the subjects we went to photograph. He took me to a fantastic patch of habitat and showed me how to find the smaller insects, how they reacted to you approaching them and how to get close without disturbing them. His advice got me some excellent shots and my photography has improved so much because of our day out! Thanks Chris!"

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